History (HIST)

HIST 101  |  The United States: Origins to Reconstruction  |  3 cr

Analyzes the social, economic, ethnic, cultural and political development of the United States from its Native American origins to the end of post-Civil War Reconstruction.

Prerequisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring.

Meets: Social & Behavioral Science: HIST

HIST 102  |  The United States: Reconstruction to Recent Times  |  3 cr

Analyzes the historical development of the United States from the end of Reconstruction to the recent past, with emphasis on the country's emergence as a modern industrial, society and a world power.

Prerequisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

Meets: Social & Behavioral Science: HIST

HIST 103  |  History and Cultures of Modern Asia  |  3 cr

Examines the social, cultural, historical, religious, economic, and political aspects of life in modern Asia, including China, India, Japan, Southeast Asia, and their neighboring countries.

Cross-listed with: INTS 103.

Prerequisites: None.

Offered: Fall.

Meets: Social & Behavioral Science: HIST

HIST 104  |  Introduction to the Middle East  |  3 cr

introduces the diverse peoples and cultures of the Middle East by discussing political and economic aspects of the region, as well as religious, societal, and cultural elements. Examines topics in twentieth-century history up to the present, such as political Islam, the causes and consequences of major wars, extremist groups, and US policy in the region. Discusses the family, religious practices, women's status, education, and other issues affecting peoples' lives today.

Prerequisites: None.

Offered: Spring (even years).

HIST 118  |  Western Civilization I: From Antiquity to 1300  |  3 cr

Western civilization began with the written records of the Mesopotamians. It was shaped by the religious influences of the Egyptians and Hebrews, the democratic and legal ideas of the Greeks and Romans, the early conflicts between Christianity and Islam, and the birth of early Europe. This course examines the political, social, and cultural beginnings of the Western world, and how these developments continue to impact us today.

Prerequisites: None.

Offered: Fall.

HIST 119  |  Western Civilization II: The Middle Ages to 1815  |  3 cr

Surveys the political, religious, social and cultural changes in Europe which gave rise to the modern world order.

Prerequisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring.

Meets: Social & Behavioral Science: HIST

HIST 120  |  Western Civilization III: From 1815 to the Present  |  3 cr

Post-Napoleonic Europe embodies notions of moral and social improvement, ideas that were compatible with industrialization, nationalism, and political change. The struggle for cultural dominance led to a scramble for colonization, tow global conflicts and the Cold War. This course examines the last two centuries of Western history, beginning with the idealism of the Congress of Vienna in 1815 to a more pragmatic modern day.

Prerequisites: None.

Offered: Fall.

HIST 126  |  World History I: From Antiquity to 1300  |  3 cr

Explores the rise of ancient civilization in Mesopotamia, Egypt under the Pharaohs, China through the Song Dynasty, Japan, the Indus River Valley, Persia, and sub-Saharan Africa. Introduces the diverse peoples and cultures of the ancient through early medieval world by discussing political, economic, societal, and cultural transformations. Examines the origins of world religions and religious practices, the family, women¿s status, and other issues affecting peoples¿ lives in this period

Prerequisites: None.

Offered: Spring.

HIST 127  |  World History II: From 1300 to 1800  |  3 cr

Surveys the rapid expansion of the Mongol Empire before and after Genghis Khan, the growth of the Ottoman Empire, China from the Song to the Qing dynasty, and the steady rise of European colonial power around the globe. Topics include the Black Death, the Spanish conquest of the Aztec world, and the Atlantic Slave Trade.

Prerequisites: None.

Offered: Occasionally.

HIST 128  |  World History III: From 1800 to the Present  |  3 cr

Considers the roles of empire, technology, and ideology in this era of rapid social change. Includes the Haitian Revolution, imperialism, the aftermath of decolonization in Africa, the World Wars, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, the Iranian Revolution, China from the Opium Wars to global power, and the progress made by women.

Prerequisites: None.

Offered: Fall, Spring.

Meets: Social & Behavioral Science: HIST

HIST 137  |  Hispanic American History  |  3 cr

Examines major themes of Hispanic American history including the political, social, economic, and cultural development of the Hispanic people in the U.S. from colonial times until the present.

Prerequisites: None.

Offered: Occasionally.

HIST 138  |  African American History  |  3 cr

Explores African American history from the late 19th century to the present when new leaders and organizations emerged as part of the effort to gain greater agency over their lives and futures in the U.S.

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

Offered: Summer.

HIST 139  |  Native American History  |  3 cr

Explores major themes of Native American history, beginning with the period before European contact and ending with tribal self-determination.

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.

Offered: Summer.

HIST 180  |  Popular Culture  |  3 cr

History of different forms of popular cultural expression in music, literature, film, magazines, art, etc. Topics may vary for different Western and non-Western societies. May be repeated for credit with different topics.

Prerequisites: None.

Offered: Occasionally.

HIST 250  |  Sources and Methods in History  |  3 cr

Explores basics of historical methods in research and writing, mechanics of archival and library research in order to produce a final paper involving primary and secondary sources.

Prerequisites: At least two of the following with a C or better: HIST 101, HIST 102, HIST 118, HIST 119, HIST 120, HIST 126, HIST 127, HIST 128.

Offered: Fall.

HIST 260  |  International Conflict  |  3 cr

Focuses on the conflict generated by modernization, industrialization, the search for colonies and nationalism. Topics vary and course may be repeated for credit with different content. May repeat with different topic.

Prerequisites: ENGL 101 and one 100 level history course.

Offered: Occasionally.

HIST 268  |  Introduction to Holocaust Studies  |  3 cr

Examines historical, philosophical and other issues surrounding the Holocaust, using texts by those who experienced the Holocaust. Cross-listed with: ENGL 268.

Prerequisites: ENGL 101 with grade of C- or better; or consent of instructor.

Offered: Occasionally.

HIST 290  |  Special Topics in History  |  1-4 cr

Selected topics in history will be examined.

Prerequisites: ENGL 101 and one 100 level history course.

Offered: Occasionally.

HIST 302  |  Race/Ethnicity: United States America 1890 to the Present  |  3 cr

Examines the continuing evolution of the United States into "an American kaleidoscope" during the 20th century. Tests the various concepts and models of ethno-cultural interaction against the complexity and diversity of historical development during a century of rapid, massive change. Cross-listed with: ETHN 302.

Prerequisites: HIST 250 or consent of instructor.

Meets: Ethnic Diversity

HIST 307  |  History of Wisconsin  |  3 cr

Explores the transformation of Wisconsin from an agrarian territory to an urban, industrial, ethnically diverse state. Uses the facilities of the Area Research Center and the Wisconsin Historical Society. Emphasizes the distinctive value and challenges of studying state and local history.

Prerequisites: HIST 250 or consent of instructor.

Offered: Fall (even years).

HIST 315  |  History of Modern Middle East  |  3 cr

Examines the historical context of and underlying reasons for the challenges facing the Middle East today. Topics include Egypt from Muhammad Ali through the Arab Spring, Qajar Iran through the Islamic Republic, the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, and Western interventions in the region, including the most recent U.S. wars.

Prerequisites: HIST 250 or consent of instructor.

Offered: Fall (even years).

HIST 318  |  History of Islam  |  3 cr

Examines the history of Islam from its origins in seventh-century Arabia to becoming the world's second largest religion today. Covers the life of Muhammad, the Sunni-Shi'a split; the major Islamic empires, Islamic modernists, Islamists, extremists and the status of women and gender debates in Islam.

Prerequisites: HIST 250 or consent of instructor.

Offered: Fall (odd years).

HIST 319  |  Arab-Israeli Conflict  |  3 cr

Explores the complexities of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, as well as the social histories of Palestinians and Israelis as real people with every day lives and concerns.

Prerequisites: HIST 250 or consent of instructor.

Offered: Spring (odd years).

HIST 324  |  History of American Politics  |  3 cr

Interdisciplinary course in the development of the American political system from colonial times to the present, utilizing concepts of political science and sociology. Emphasis on the causes and nature of political change.

Prerequisites: HIST 250 or consent of instructor.

Offered: Occasionally.

HIST 325  |  Mayhem and the Metropolis  |  3 cr

This course explores the rise and social development of selected large cities during the 19th and 20th centuries, with an emphasis on the crime, poverty, and social upheaval that resulted from their rapid growth. This is not a course on forensics or crime-solving, but rather a look at selected individuals and their offenses by examining the urban environment that helped create them.

Prerequisites: ENGL 101, any 100-level history course.

Offered: Fall (odd years).

HIST 326  |  Age of Napoleon, 1770-1825  |  3 cr

Delves into the life and impact of Napoleon and the world in which he lived. Examines key events in early nineteenth-century Great Britain, Continental Europe, and the United States.

Prerequisites: ENGL 101, HIST 250.

Offered: Occasionally.

HIST 327  |  History of Britain I: to 1603  |  3 cr

A survey of British social and political developments, beginning with the arrival of the Romans in 55 BC and continuing through to the death of Elizabeth I in 1603. While the primary emphasis wil be on England, the course will touch on all of the regions that form the United Kingdom.

Prerequisites: ENGL 101.

Offered: Fall.

HIST 328  |  History of Britain II: 1603 to Present  |  3 cr

This course continues the examination of British social and political developments, beginning with the Stuart Dynasty through to the ascension of Elizabeth II in 1953. Focus includes such topics as the English Civil War, the Industrial Revolution, Britian and Abolitionism, Colonialism, and the rise and fall of the British Empire.

Prerequisites: ENGL 101.

Offered: Fall.

HIST 330  |  Evolution of Pre-Modern Russia  |  3 cr

Describes Russia in the heyday of serfdom and discusses its responses to industrialization, intensified contact with the West, and demand for modernization through the revolutions of 1917.

Prerequisites: HIST 250 or consent of instructor.

HIST 331  |  History of Russia, 1917 to the Present  |  3 cr

Explores the modern political, cultural and economic systems created in Russia since 1917.

Prerequisites: HIST 250 or consent of instructor.

Offered: Fall.

HIST 335  |  Native American History  |  3 cr

An in-depth examination of the major themes of Native American history, beginning with the period before European contact and ending with the current emphasis on tribal self-determination. Topics to be discussed include the devastating effects of colonization on Native Americans, and the contradictory federal policies of removal, reservations, and allotment/assimilation.

Prerequisites: HIST 101, HIST 250; or consent of instructor.

Offered: Occasionally.

Meets: Ethnic Diversity

HIST 336  |  Poverty in American History  |  3 cr

Explores the problem of poverty in American history, emphasizing the experiences of poor Americans, the evolution of explanations of poverty, and how Americans have confronted the issue. Includes a community-based learning component.

Prerequisites: HIST 101 or HIST 102; and HIST 250.

Offered: Fall (even years).

HIST 337  |  African-American History  |  3 cr

Examines the experiences of African Americans from colonial times to the present, emphasizing their evolution as an ethnic group and their struggle for equality. Fulfills Ethnic Diversity requirement. Cross-listed with: ETHN 337.

Prerequisites: HIST 101 or HIST 102.

Offered: Fall (odd years).

Meets: Ethnic Diversity

HIST 339  |  American Colonial History  |  3 cr

An examination of the European exploration and colonization of North America, including interactions with native populations culminating with the American Revolution.

Prerequisites: HIST 101; HIST 250 or consent of instructor.

Offered: Occasionally.

HIST 340  |  Early American Republic  |  3 cr

Traces the political, cultural and social development of the United States form the American Revolution to the Antebellum period.

Prerequisites: HIST 101; HIST 250 or consent of instructor.

HIST 342  |  The American Civil War  |  3 cr

Examines the origins and outcomes of the United States bloodiest conflict, including slavery, westward expansion, and Reconstruction.

Prerequisites: HIST 250 or consent of instructor.

HIST 344  |  Gilded Age and Progressive Era, 1877-1917  |  3 cr

Explores the emergence of the United States as a modern, urban, industrial, multiethnic world power between the end of Reconstruction and American entry into World War I. Stresses the many efforts to reform various aspects of life during the Populist and Progressive Eras.

Prerequisites: HIST 250.

Offered: Occasionally.

HIST 345  |  America in Power and Peril 1917-1953  |  3 cr

Explores the nation's experience as an emergent global power along with the effects of waxing and waning domestic prosperity during the first half of the twentieth century; examines the challenges of urban.rural, racial/ethic, and gender divisions in the nation, along with the growth of American culture.

Prerequisites: HIST 250.

Offered: Fall (odd years).

HIST 346  |  Recent America: 1953-Present  |  3 cr

Examines the United States as superpower, the benefits and limits of postwar prosperity, the rights revolution, the era of cynicism and limits on government, the challenges and opportunities of multiculturalism, and the redefinition of the nation's role in the world.

Prerequisites: HIST 250.

Offered: Spring (even years).

HIST 347  |  Topics in Latin American History  |  3 cr

Focuses on specific countries or on particular aspects of Latin American development; for example, revolution and land reform. May be repeated for credit with different topics.

Prerequisites: HIST 250 or consent of instructor.

Offered: Occasionally.

HIST 362  |  Topics in Nineteenth Century Europe  |  3 cr

Topics include political and social revolutions; modernization and industrialization; nationalism, new cultural movements; the rise of modern ideologies; feminism and women's rights.

Prerequisites: HIST 120; and HIST 250 or consent of instructor.

Offered: Occasionally.

HIST 368  |  Immigration and Race in Modern Europe  |  3 cr

Covers migration both within and from outside Europe from the 19th Century to the present; government policies encouraging and discouraging immigration; ideas of race and racism; experiences of immigrants; and hybrid cultures resulting from immigration.

Prerequisites: HIST 120 or HIST 128 and HIST 250 or consent of instructor.

Offered: Occasionally.

HIST 390  |  Special Topics in History  |  1-4 cr

Selected topics in history will be examined.

Prerequisites: None.

Offered: Occasionally.

HIST 460  |  International Conflict  |  3 cr

Focuses on the conflict generated by modernization, industrialization, the search for colonies, and nationalism. Topics vary and course may be repeated for credit with different content. A research paper is required.

Prerequisites: HIST 250 or consent of instructor.

Offered: Occasionally.

HIST 468  |  Holocaust Studies  |  3 cr

Delves into various aspects of the Holocaust, such as literature of the Holocaust, film and the Holocaust, and literature of the Second Generation, etc. Cross-listed with: ENGL 468.

Prerequisites: ENGL 101 or consent of instructor.

Offered: Occasionally.

HIST 490  |  Special Topics in History  |  1-4 cr

Selected topics in history will be examined. Research paper required.

Prerequisites: HIST 250 or consent of instructor.

Offered: Occasionally.

HIST 494  |  Internship in History  |  1-6 cr

Provides opportunities for research and project-related work at university and non-university agencies and offices, such as the state and county historical societies and community organizations. A limited number of internships are available; thus the awarding of internships will be on a competitive basis. A maximum of three credits of internship work may be counted towards the major.

Prerequisites: HIST 250; 3.0 GPA in History, consent of instructor, department chair.

Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.

HIST 495  |  Senior Seminar  |  3 cr

HIST 497  |  History Capstone  |  3 cr

Introduces historiography and important philosophical and ethical questions regarding the responsibilities of the historian. Provides students an opportunity to explore how students' skills are applicable to a range of professions.

Prerequisites: HIST 250.

Offered: Spring.

HIST 499  |  Independent Study  |  1-6 cr

Independent study is designed to enable students to pursue an interest or area in history not served be existing departmental offerings. Maximum of three credits may count towards the major.

Prerequisites: Completion of a minimum of 21 credits in History, including HIST 250; 3.3 GPA in History; consent of instructor, department chair.

Offered: Fall, Spring.